Hiring a Part-Time Director of Marketing saves you money and elevates your brand.


Have an expert on your team for a fraction of the cost of an agency, and get great results.

Agencies, even small ones, are expensive. They are accustomed to clients with large hierarchies and deep pockets, which immediately prices them out of most small-to-medium sized business’ budget.

Most business owners believe their only other option is to hire a fairly junior, full-time marketing manager. Typically this person has spent a couple of years at a job or two in a marketing role, and costs $45-$50k per year. Once additional overhead like employee benefits and compensation plans are taken into account, this person costs $55-60k per year. My thoughts on this?


There’s a lot more that we can do with that money.

Hiring a part-time Director of Marketing enables you to bring in a senior expert who knows different strategies, channels, tactics, and tools to generate results. They come with a plan that you understand, contribute to, and sign-off on. And they manage execution in an efficient, effect way.

Instead of spending $60k on a person, spend $25-30k in fees for a part-time expert, and retain the $30-35k difference so you can spend it on executing your marketing plan! The less you spend on an employee, the larger your budget to bring your brand, growth strategy and marketing plan, to life. In front of your customers.


We come with our own toolkit.

Not only do we know which tactics work, but we know who can execute those tactics.

We have partners in graphic design, web development, search engine optimization, mobile app developers, event planners, public relations pros, the list goes on. Not only are we able to create a marketing plan, we have the connections with the people to execute it. They too are business owners, who have skin in the game, and are there to elevate your brand and help it grow.

#NRN - No Retainer Necessary

We often work on a project basis with our clients. We don’t need you to sign your life away, or commit to some crazy spend. We can take it project by project, so you can budget effectively and see transparency in our fees. We’re flexible and nimble, our invoicing and billing commitments are reflective of that.

If you need marketing support, let’s have a chat.

Give us a call and introduce yourself! Worse comes to worse, we give you some free advice. :)


What does a Director of Marketing do?


What I learned about Social Analytics working with the WE Charity.